Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual
Page 122
B 5.5
CIMEL Electronique Autom atic Sun Tracking Photom eter CE 318
The CE 318 autom atic sun tracking photom eter has been designed and realized to be a very accurate
sun photom eter with all the qualities of a field instrum ent: m otorized, portable, autonom ous (solar powered)
and autom atic.
Two types
CE 318-1: standard m odel with 5 filters 440, 670, 870, 936, 1020 nm
CE 318-2: polarized m odel with 7 filters 440, 670,870,870,870,936,1020 nm
Com ponents
Optical head with 2 collim ators
Field of view
Solar collim ator 1.2°
Sky collim ator 1.2°
10 nm at FW HM
UV enhanced silicon detector for the sun
Silicon detector for the sky
Electronic box
Robot for sun tracking
Operating tem perature
-30 to +60 °C
Sun Tracking Method
Tracking in zenith and azim uth planes
Active tracking by a 4-quadrant detector
Accuracy better than 0.10°
Power Requirem ents
Internal batteries for the optical head
External batteries for the robot
Rechargeable by solar panels or 220 VAC
Data output and transfer
Local reading
Storage in EPROM readable on a PC
Data Collection System s through satellites in option
B 5.6
Carter-Scott Design Middleton SP02 Sunphotom eter
The Middleton SP02 Sunphotom eter is a sim ple low-cost instrum ent for the determ ination of the spectral
optical depth of the atm osphere. It consists of four precision spectro-pyrheliom eters axially aligned in
a sealed enclosure.
Four narrow-bandwidth channels operate sim ultaneously
Low- noise signal am plifiers with negligible drift
External gain trim for each channel (via rear access ports)
Tem perature output for therm al response correction
Field of View
2.50° opening angle)
Slope angle
Lim it angle
Filters (10 nm FW HM)
aerosol version: 412, 500, 675, 862 nm
ozone version: 368, 500, 610, 778 nm
water vapour version: 500, 778, 812, 862 nm