Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual

Page 180

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' MOD(X,Y) = X (MOD Y) = X - INT(X / Y) * Y
' The INT function in Fortran is identical to that in QuickBasic;
' they both return the sign of x tim es the greatest integer
' <= ABS(x).

' ==========================================================================

' W ork with real double precision variables and define som e constants,
' including one to change between degrees and radians.

Zero = 0#
Point02 = .02#
PointFifteen = .15#
One = 1#
Two = 2#
Four = 4#
Ten = 10#
Twelve = 12#
Fifteen = 15#
Twentyfour = 24#
Sixty = 60#
Ninety = 90#
Ninetyplus = 93.885#
OneEighty = 180#
TwoForty = 240#
ThreeSixty = 360#
ThreeSixtyFive = 365#
FiveOneFiveFourFive = 51545#
TwopointFour = 2400000#: '2.4D6

pi = Four * ATN(One)
TwoPi = Two * pi
ToRad = pi / OneEighty ‘Conversion from degrees to radians
ToDeg = OneEighty / pi ‘Conversion from radians to degrees

basedate = 1949#
baseday = 32916.5#
stdPress = 1013.25#

' Constants for solar tim e/location equations
C1 = 280.463# :‘This constant varies by +/- 0.004 per year, but does not change the final values
C2 = .9856474#
C3 = 357.528#
C4 = .9856003#
C5 = 1.915#
C6 = 23.44#
C7 = .0000004#
C8 = 6.697375#
C9 = .0657098242#

' Constants for refraction equation
EC1 = -.56#
EC2 = 3.51561#
EC3 = .1594#
EC4 = .0196#
EC5 = .00002#
EC6 = .505#
EC7 = .0845#

' Constant for the determ ination of pressure from station height