Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual

Page 19

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upgrading older networks can also benefit from results of the ongoing research conducted
specifically to im prove the m easurem ent of solar and terrestrial fluxes using com m ercially
available instrum entation. The quality control procedures outlined later in this m anual and the
archiving procedures presented elsewhere, can be used with little m odification for m any other
radiation networks. These im provem ents in m easurem ent techniques, quality assurance and
quality control can be used for networks involved in the m easurem ent of solar radiation for such
diverse applications as passive and active solar energy utilization and cloud absorption
m odelling. Moreover, efforts to install networks to observe UVB and ozone could readily build on
an established BSRN station designed to operate according to the highest achievable standards.