Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual
Page 135
(4) Using the em pirical form ulae mentioned in (1) and (2) the diffuse radiation measured by a diffusom eter
could be corrected to standard geom etry.
(5) Since the circum solar sky radiation has high variability and it is alm ost independent from other
radiation param eters, only the m onthly (or at least several days) m ean corrected diffuse radiation
values could be expected as reliable.
C 2.6
Acknow ledgements
Thanks are due to those colleagues who provided the basic geom etrical data of their equipm ent, nam ely:
Klaus Dehne, John Hickey, Bruce Forgan, Ells Dutton and Ernst W essely.
C 2.7
Deirm endjian, D.: Theory of solar aureole.
Annales de Geophysique. Part I: tom e 13,1997; Part II:
Tom e 15, 1959.
Frohlich, C and Quenzel, H.: Influence of the sun’s aureole on the determ ination of turbidity. Special
Environm ental Report No. 3, W MO-No. 368, 1974.
Major, G.: Estim ation of the error caused by the circum solar radiation when m easuring global radiation
as a sum of direct and diffuse radiation. Solar Energy, 48, No.4, 1992.
Major G.: Circum solar correction for pyrheliom eters and diffusom eters. W CRP, W MO/TD-No.635,
Major, G.: The role of geom etry in the com parison of standard pyrheliom eters, Idojaras, 99, No.2, 1995.
Noring, J.E., Grether, D.F. and Hunt, A.J.: Circum solar radiation data: The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Reduced Data Base, NREL/TP-262-4429, 1991.
Putsay, M.: Circum solar radiation calculated for various aerosol m odels. Idojaras, 99, No.2, 1995.
Thom alla, E., Kopke, P., Muller, H. and Quenzel, H.: Circum solar radiation calculated for various
atm ospheric conditions. Solar Energy 30, 575-587, 1983.