Annex i solar position algorithm – Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual
Page 178
Annex I
Solar Position Algorithm
An algorithm is provided for the calculation of astronom ical param eters in QuickBasic. The subroutine
is based upon the publication of Michalsky (1988) and uses the approxim ation form ulae found in the
Astronom ical Alm anac.
C-code based upon Michalsky (1988) can be found at
Inform ation on the use of the code and a m anual is also available at the site.
Other web-based solar position algorithm s can be found at the following locations:
For Excel-based work: lpelican/sunrise.htm l
On-line calculation of param eters: /sunangle/ l
A VisualBasic dll (dynam ic link library) providing solar position is available by contacting the author
at bruce.m carthur@