Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual

Page 105

background image


(bubble half out of the ring)
Coincident with base of the instrum ent.
Detector surface and base are coplanar within 0.1°


Anodized alum inium case. Stainless steel screws in stainless
steel bushes. W hite plastic screen of ASA

Drying cartridge PMMA

W eight

830 g

Cable length

10 m (standard)

Dim ensions

91.5 m m total height, 150 m m diam eter, 25 m m dom e height,
50 m m dom e diam eter

B 2.3

Kipp & Zonen Delft BV CM21/31 Pyranom eters

Suitable for the m easurem ent of solar irradiance on a plane surface.

- im proved specifications in com parison with the CM11.

- also available with quartz dom es (CM31) yielding a broader range and reduced offsets.

Essentially the pyranom eter CM21 has the sam e characteristics as the CM11. Som e of these specifications
have been im proved:

Im pedance
Tem perature response
Response tim e


Response tim e

< 5 s

tim e for 95 % response

Zero off-set
a) response to 200 W m net

+ 7 W m



therm al radiation (ventilated)
b) response to 5 K h change

± 2 W m



in am bient tem perature


± 0.5 %

percentage change in
responsivity per year


± 0.25 %

percentage deviation from the
responsivity at 500 W m due


to the change in irradiance
within 100 W m to 1000 W m



Directional response for beam

± 10 W m


The range of errors caused by
assum ing that the norm al incidence
responsivity is valid for all directions
when m easuring from any direction a
beam radiation whose norm al incidence
irradiation is 1000 W m
