Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual

Page 22

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BSRN Measurement Uncertainty



1997 Target**

2004 Target


Direct Solar Irradiance

1% or 2 W m

0.5% or 1.5 W m




Diffuse Radiation

10 W m

4% or 5 W m

2% or 3 W m





Global Radiation

15 W m

2% or 5 W m

2% or 5 W m





Reflected Solar

15 W m





Downwelling Infrared

30 W m

5% or 10 W m

2% or 3 W m





Upwelling Infrared

30 W m

5% or 10 W m

2% or 3 W m




* from W CRP-

54, Mar 1991

** from W CRP-64,

Nov 1991

estim ates based

on current


Table 2.1. Uncertainty requirem ents for the Baseline Surface Radiation Network radiation
fluxes. W here values are given in percent and absolute, the latter are the m inim um deviation
from the “true” value m easured by the instrum ent for any irradiance.

Experim ents have shown that for m any nip instrum ents the uncertainty associated with the noise
of these instrum ents exceeds the uncertainty requirem ents for direct solar irradiance
m easurem ents. Therefore, an absolute cavity radiom eter (ACR) should be used in parallel to
"calibrate" the norm al incident pyrheliom eter quasi-continuously (every 5-60 m inutes, if the
norm al direct beam intensity (I) > 400 W m ).


Pyrheliom eters norm ally operate with a window that blocks part of the solar infrared signal.
Sim ilarly, m any ACRs when used as all-weather instrum ents also have a window to protect the
instrum ent from the elem ents. These windows m ust be m ade of the sam e m aterial to ensure that
differences in window transm ittance are not ‘calibrated’ into the m easured irradiance and thus
increase the uncertainty of the m easurem ent. To obtain higher quality m easurem ents that include
the signal from the infrared portion of the solar spectrum , the instrum ent can be operated without
a window or with a window m ade of a m aterial that has flat transm ission characteristics from
approxim ately 290 nm to 4000 nm (> 99% of the solar spectrum ). Recent advances in the
construction of all-weather enclosures, both windowless and those using sapphire or calcium
fluoride windows and special heating and ventilation system s have reduced the dependence on
sim ple therm opile pyrheliom eters that require frequent com parison with fair-weather ACR
instrum ents. It is recom m ended that an all-weather ACR be used continuously with a standard
pyrheliom eter used to fill ‘data gaps’ during the period when the ACR is in calibration m ode.

Caution m ust be exercised if a windowless ACR is to be operated continuously. The m inim um
protection required is to house the instrum ent in a ventilated housing. The opening aperture of the
housing should be a m inim um of 10 radiom eter-opening-aperture diam eters distant from the
entrance aperture of the enclosed ACR and have a diam eter no greater than twice the field of
view of the ACR. Care m ust be taken when ventilating the instrum ent so that no venturi effects
are created that m ight alter the therm al equilibrium of the instrum ent. In areas where severe
weather conditions are prevalent, system s that include a m eans of closing the opening aperture
are required.

W hen using a calcium fluoride window, yearly inspections are recom m ended to ensure the
integrity of the flat because of the anhydrous nature of the m aterial. In very hum id or wet
environm ents, inspections of the flat should be m ade m onthly. T o protect the instrum ent from
precipitation, an autom atic cover triggered by a rain sensor can be installed.

Experim ents have also shown that m aintaining the tem perature of the therm opile on certain ACR
instrum ents, when used in an all-weather m ode, further enhance perform ance.