Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual
Page 152

D 2.
Effect of Clouds on the Pyrheliometric Measurements
Prepared by G. Major for the BSRN W orkshop held in Boulder, Co, 12-16 Aug. 1996
D 2.1
In the last BSRN Meeting (Davos, October 1995) the question aroused: how large could be the effect
of variable clouds around the Sun on the pyrheliom etric m easurem ents? In this report som e results
are presented.
The basic difficulty of m aking m odel calculations is the lack of proper radiance distributions around
the Sun for cloudy situations. (For cloudless sky there are radiance distributions for several aerosol
types and optical thickness values from several authors.) In this report "cloudy situation" m ean that
there is cloud near to the Sun (in the ring lim ited by the circles of 1 and 4 degrees from the solar centre)
but not in between the Sun and the m easuring pyrheliom eter, that is the effect of transm ission of cloud
layers is not regarded here. High geom etrical resolution radiance m easurem ents were m ade from
the solar centre up to 3 degrees by the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. The data are available from
the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). They cover all weather situation at one dozen
stations in the U.S.A (Noring et al., 1991). A sam ple of these data has been involved into this work.
Oversim plified assum ptions have been used to derive the radiance distributions applied in calculating
of the effect of clouds.
D 2.2
The geometry
The base height of our rectangular m odel cloud is 2 km , its geom etrical thickness is 0.5 km , optical
thickness is 25, it is 1 km wide and its length is perpendicular to the solar vertical plane, the solar elevation
angle is 45 degrees. The scene is irradiated by the direct and circum solar beam , the surface irradiance
is seen in Figure D 2.1 (personal com m unication from T. Varnai, McG ill U niversity). The edges of
the cloud shadow are not sharp, since the left lower and right upper edges of the cloud scatter the
solar beam . In this geom etrical situation (cloud below or above the Sun) side reflectance into the
pyrheliom eter is not possible, the cloud affects the pyrheliom etric m easurem ent by scattered radiation
only (edge scattering).
In the other special geom etrical situation the cloud length is parallel with the solar vertical plane, that
is the cloud is in the right or left side of the Sun. Now the cloud affects the pyrheliom etric m easurem ent
by side reflection only.
D 2.2.1
Cloud edge scattering
For the exam ple calculation, in Figure. D 2.2, the m odel cloud is above the Sun. In the cloud the
geom etrical path length of the radiation beam falling into the pyrheliom eter:
The m eaning of the sym bols is seen in Figure D 2.2.
Taking into account that the optical depth of the cloud is 25, the optical path length of the beam in the
It can be supposed that the radiance along the cloud as seen from the pyrheliom eter