Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual

Page 149

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If the pointing error of a pyrheliom eter is larger than its slope angle, the irradiance of the
pyrheliom etric sensor decreases rapidly with increasing mispointing. The value can be estim ated
using Fig. C1.2 and Fig. 1.3.

D 1.5


Allen, C.W . 1985: Astrophysical Quantities. The Athlone Press, London.

Major, G. 1995: Circum solar Correction for Pyrheliom eters and Diffusom eters. W CRP, W MO/TD-


Putsay, M. 1995: Circum solar Radiation Calculated for Various Aerosol Models. IDÄJÁRÁS, vol

99, pp 67-76.

Zirin, H. 1988: Astropysics of the Sun. Cam bridge University Press, Cam bridge-New York-

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