Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual

Page 124

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Detector tem perature control

selection: 30°C, 40°C, 50°C (by jum per on circuit board); stability
±0.1 °C
warm up = 5°C m in ; cooling tim e constant (63%) = 10 m in


Operating tem perature

-30 °C to +70 °C

Sensor (Ham am atsu)

UV enhanced silicon photodiode (190 nm - 1100 nm )

(B) Housing Control Box


housing: Ø180 x 470 m m
control box: 280(L) x 230 (W ) x 110 (H) m m

Mounting m ethod

Ø25 m m side clam p (fem ale), with adjustable alignm et

Interface leads (housing to control box)

6 m shielded cables (plugs on both ends)

Mains power

110 V or 240 V AC, 50 W

SP01-A m otor control input lines (TTL)

forward/reverse (set/reset by alternate pulses)
centre stop (will halt index between field stops)

SP01-A m otor control output lines (TTL) forward lim it; centre stop; reverse lim it



alum inium , hard anodised + gloss white polyurethane


glass (300 nm - 3000 nm transm ission)

control box

painted alum inium , IP65 sealed

fasteners stainless
