Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual
Page 115
Full opening angle
5° ± 0.2°
Slope Angle
1° ± 0.2°
Sight accuracy
+0.2° from optical axis
Anodised alum inum case, stainless steel screws
W indow m aterial
Infrasil 1-301
W eight
700 gram s
Silica gel
Cable length
10 m (Standard)
Absorber coating
Kipp & Zonen carbon black
B 3.5
Eko MS-53A Pyrheliom eter
This pyrheliom eter m easures the intensity of a radiant beam at norm al incidence that com es only from
the solar disk which includes about 5 degrees of circum solar radiation. The sensor of this instrum ent,
designed in conform ity with W MO specifications, is m ounted on a tracking system to be always directed
to the sun. The tracking system incorporated a sun sensor for tracking during clear weather, and changes
autom atically to a m echanical m ode during cloudy weather.
about 4 m V/kW m
Aperture angle
2.5 degree (half angle)
Tracking System
2-axis pulse m otor
Angular step
less than 0.01 degree
Tracking process
autom atic com m utation between sun sensor m ode and
m echanical m ode
B 3.6
Carter-Scott Middleton DN5 & DN5-E Pyrheliom eter
The Middleton DN5 is an affordable precision pyrheliom eter for m easuring the solar direct radiation when
aim ed at the sun. It exceeds the ISO9060 specifications for a First Class pyrheliom eter. The DN5 has
a passive m icrovolt output, and the DN5-E version has an in-built signal am plifier to give a m illivolt output
for easy m easurem ent.
Twin-therm opile sensor accom m odates rapid tem perature changes
Broad bandwidth (0.2 to 5 :m ), and flat spectral response
Flush-m ount window to prevent obstruction by rain or debris
Fully sealed construction with internal desiccant
DN5-E has low-noise signal am plifier with negligible drift
Condition of desiccant is easy to inspect visually
Therm istor output provided for sensor tem perature
Aim ing diopter conveniently located on top of instrum ent