Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual
Page 109
B 2.7
Eppley Black and W hite Pyranom eter (Model 8-48)
The Black and W hite Pyranometer has a detector consisting of a differential therm opile with the hot-junction
receivers blackened and the cold-junction receivers whitened. The receiver is of radial wire-wound plated
construction with the black segm ents coated with a flat black coating and the white with Barium Sulfate.
Built-in tem perature com pensation with therm istor circuitry is incorporated to free the instrum ent from
effects of am bient tem perature. A precision ground optical glass hem isphere of Schott glass W G295 uniform ly
transm its energy from 0.285 to 2.8 :m .
approx. 10 :V/W m
Im pedance
approx. 350 Ohm s
Tem perature Dependence
± 1.5 % over am bient tem perature range -20 to +40 C
± 1.0 % from 0 to 1400 W m
Response tim e
5 seconds (1/e signal)
± 2 % from norm alization 0-70 zenith angle
± 5 % from norm alization 70-80 zenith angle
Mechanical Vibration
tested up to 20 g’s without dam age
integrating hem isphere
5.75 inch diam eter, 2.75 inches high
W eight
2 pounds
B 2.8
Schenk Star Pyranom eter
The m easuring principle of the star pyranom eter is the m easurem ent of, the tem perature difference between
white and black painted sectors so that the result is not affected by am bient tem perature. A precisely cut
dom e shields the sensing elem ents from environm ental factors.
A drying cartidge keeps the interior free from hum idity. An optional protective housing enables m easurem ents
in cold weather.
Technical Data
Measuring range
0 to 1500 W m
Spectral sensitivity
0.3 to 3 :m
About 15 :V/W m or 4 ... 20 m A = 0 ... 1500 W m
Im pedence
About 35 Ohm
Am bient tem perature
-40 C to +60 C
< 1 W m
< 1% per year ( tem porary operation )
Cosine response
< 3 % of the value, zenith angle 0 - 80
o o
Azim uth response
< 3 % of the value
Tem perature effect
< 1 % of the value between -20 C to + 40 C