Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual
Page 24
Alados-A rboledas, L., J. Vida and J.I. Jim éniz, 1988: Effects of solar radiation on the perform ance of
pyrgeometers with silicon domes. Jour. Atm os. O cean. Tech., 5, 666 - 670.
U do, S.O ., 2000: Q uantification of solar heating of the dom e of a pyrgeom eter for a tropical location: Ilorin,
N igeria. Jour. Atm os. O cean. Tech., 17, 995 - 1000.
Philipona, R . C . Fröhlich and C h. Betz, 1995: C haracterization of pyrgeometers and the accuracy of
atmospheric long-wave radiation m easurem ents. Appl. O ptics, 34, 1598 - 1605.
12 Global Radiation
BSRN target uncertainty is 2% (5 W m ). Although the global radiation m ay be determ ined as a
sum of direct and diffuse irradiance, a direct m easurem ent will be m ade with a ventilated
pyranom eter (the sam e instrum ent type as for diffuse radiation) to provide a basis for quality
control; including instrum ent characterisation and calibration (see Section 8.3 - Calibration
T he sam e therm al offset issues associated with the m easurem ent of diffuse irradiance m ust also
be considered for global irradiance. The difference in the m agnitude of the irradiance signals
(global vs. diffuse) reduces the overall relative uncertainty associated with therm al offset for
global irradiance m easurem ents.
Param eters to be acquired are: output of pyranom eter therm opile; pyranom eter body
tem perature. Only the values associated with the calculated irradiance (m ean, m axim um ,
m inim um and standard deviation) are required by BSRN archive. All other raw data should be
archived at the centre responsible for the m easurem ents. Reflected Solar Radiation
This m easurem ent, required at BSRN stations undertaking the "expanded m easurem ent"
program m e, will be done with the sam e type of ventilated pyranom eter as for diffuse and global
radiation. It is suggested that a horizontal shadowband be used to protect the instrum ent dom e
from reflecting direct solar radiation onto the therm opile at low solar elevation. The angle
sustained should be less than 5° (i.e., covering nadir angles 85° to 90°). W ith the exception of
frost on other m aterial on the dom e that would enhance the internal reflection problem , the error
due to internal reflection or the direct beam grazing the therm opile on a level instrum ent is
estim ated to be <1 W m . The m inim um height above the surface for the m easurem ent is 30 m
so that the observations represents the relfectance of the surrounding area. The actual height of
the downfacing centre should be reported to the archive.
Param eters to be acquired are: output of pyranom eter therm opile; pyranom eter body
tem perature. Only the values associated with the calculated irradiance (m ean, m axim um ,
m inim um and standard deviation) are required by BSRN archive. All other raw data should be
archived at the centre responsible for the m easurem ents. Downwelling Infrared Radiation
BSRN target uncertainty is 5% or 10 W m , whichever is greater. Significant evidence suggests
that a pyrgeom eter with a hem ispheric silicon dom e is negatively im pacted by solar radiation
through dom e heating . The BSRN recognizing this fact determ ined that downward infrared
irradiance should be m easured with a shaded and ventilated pyrgeom eter. Furtherm ore, it noted
that, if using an Eppley PIR, the battery circuit m ust be disconnected and the therm istor
tem peratures directly m easured. It was determ ined that a “m odified PIR" pyrgeom eter (Eppley)
with three dom e tem perature sensors at 45° (but without a battery circuit) was capable of
m easuring downwelling infrared radiation to the target uncertainty. Although not norm ally used in
an unshaded m ode, this m odified instrum ent is designed to m easure infrared radiation in full
sunlight. Furtherm ore, it was recognized that a shaded and ventilated unm odified Eppley
pyrgeom eter could provide nearly the sam e quality of m easurem ent. R ecently, other
m anufacturers have begun producing pyrgeom eters that m ay also be suitable for use in BSRN