Sense[1..n]:frequency:start – EXFO FTB-5230S Optical Spectrum Analyzer for FTB 200 v2 User Manual
Page 577
Referencia de instrucciones SCPI
Product-Specific Commands—Description
This command sets instrument sweep start
At *RST, this value is set to 190.9506 THz.
:SENSe[1..n]:FREQuency:STARt wsp>HZ]>|MAXimum|MINimum|DEFault Parameter(s) Start: as a optional The allowed element is HZ. The MINimum, MAXimum and DEFault are accepted on input. MINimum allows to set the instrument to the smallest supported value. MAXimum allows to set the instrument to the greatest supported value. DEFault allows the instrument to select a value for the The sweep start frequency value. The SENSe[1..n]:FREQuency:STARt? MIN and SENSe[1..n]:FREQuency:STARt? MAX queries can be used to determine valid sweep start frequency range.
The program data syntax for