Y s i, D-8. technical support – YSI ADV6600 User Manual

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Appendix D. Frequently Asked Questions




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No. The ADV sensor does not require calibration. However, if the arms of the ADV sensor are bent
or damaged, the system should be sent back to the factory for possible recalibration or repair.

It is recommended that Beam Check be run when the other sensors of the ADV6600 are calibrated.
Note, however, that if at all possible, the final Beam Check should be performed while the
ADV6600 is in its final deployment location as described above. It is critical that users run Beam
Check and perform a compass calibration before a deployment and users should keep clear records
documenting that these operations were carried out.

Is calibration of the YSI sensors different for the ADV6600 from other YSI 6-series sondes?

In terms of software, the calibration protocols for the sensors are identical. However, because the
Doppler sensor occupies so much of the calibration cup, users will probably want to calibrate the
pH, ORP, ISE, and conductivity sensors with the sonde suspended from a ring-stand in the inverted
position. Even under these conditions, the volumes of calibration reagents are larger for the
ADV6600 than for other 6-series sondes. YSI supplies a large chain clamp standard with each
ADV6600 that should be ideal for attaching the inverted sonde to the ring-stand. The ring-stand or
other sturdy frame must be supplied by the user, but YSI Customer Service can provide advice on
purchasing this item.

Do I have to calibrate the internal compass?

The internal compass or compass/tilt sensor is similar to other compasses in that it can be affected
by the environmental magnetic field and any objects that may influence the earth’s magnetic field
(such as metal structures). To reduce the effect of this interference on the compass, it is necessary to
perform a compass calibration. This is done through the ADVantage 6600 software and should be
done every time the ADV6600 is deployed. If possible, the calibration should be done with the
ADV6600 mounted in the deployment frame and at the deployment site, but for some deployments
this may not be practical. If so, the compass should at least be calibrated in the field in a simulated
frame to minimize direction errors at the site. .

If a mounting apparatus is used in the deployment of the system, it is preferable to use a non-ferrous
and rigid material (such as aluminum or PVC piping).

D-8. Technical Support