Probe care and maintenance, 5.7. ise probes, 5.8. optical probes – YSI ADV6600 User Manual

Page 140: Section 11, Troubleshooting, Y s i, 3. probe care and maintenance

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Section 10. Care, Maintenance, and Storage




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10-3. Probe Care and Maintenance

10-3.1. ADV

Biological growth on the transducers does not affect velocity measurements, but can decrease
acoustic signal strength and potentially inhibit the ADV from performing in clear water. Periodic
cleaning of the ADV transducers may be needed to maintain optimal performance in areas of high
biological activity. To remove growth, clean with a stiff brush. The transducer epoxy is very
durable and will not be easily damaged, except by a direct impact. ** Caution: avoid direct impact
of the transducers as permanent and non-warranty damage can occur.

10-3.2. Conductivity/Temperature Probe

The openings that allow fluid access to the conductivity electrodes must be cleaned regularly. The
small cleaning brush included in the 6570 Maintenance Kit is ideal for this purpose. Dip the brush
in clean water and insert it into each hole 15-20 times.

In the event that deposits have formed on the electrodes, dip the cell in cleaning solution and agitate
for two to three minutes. Any one of the foaming acid tile cleaners, such as Dow Chemical
Bathroom Cleaner, will clean the cell adequately. Remove the cell from the cleaning solution and
rinse well with deionized or distilled water before using the brush to dislodge any contaminants
from inside the electrode chamber. After cleaning, check the response and accuracy of the
conductivity cell with a calibration standard. Re-calibrate as necessary.

The temperature portion of the probe requires no maintenance

10-3.3. DO Probe

For best results, it is recommended that the electrolyte solution and membrane on the dissolved
oxygen probe be changed prior to each sonde deployment and at least once every 2-4 weeks during
sampling applications. They should also be changed if (a) bubbles are visible under the membrane;
(b) significant deposits of dried electrolyte are visible on the membrane or the O-ring; and (c) if the
probe shows unstable readings or other probe-related symptoms. See Section 2 for instructions on
changing the DO membrane.

After removing the used membrane from the tip of the 6562 probe, examine the electrodes at the tip
of the probe. If either or both of the silver electrodes are black in color, the probe should be
resurfaced using the fine sanding disks provided in the 6035 reconditioning kit.