Protection from biological fouling, 3.1. adv, 3.3. do probe – YSI ADV6600 User Manual
Page 135: 3.4. ph and ph/orp probes, 3.5. ise probes, Y s i, 1. protection from biological fouling
Page 125
Section 10. Care, Maintenance, and Storage
10-1. Protection from Biological Fouling
The ADV6600 can be deployed without any additional modifications. However, when deployment
is to occur in a very severe fouling environment, measures can be taken to reduce fouling, increase
in situ time, and minimize service and cleaning requirements.
This section discusses some of the various ways in which the ADV6600 can be prepared to prevent
biological fouling.
Please note: The use of anti-fouling paint products on any part of a sonde, probe, or a combination
thereof, is entirely at the discretion of the owner and/or user of said equipment. YSI, Inc. will in no
way be held responsible or liable for sondes, probes, or other pieces of equipment that may become
damaged as a result of the application of anti-fouling paint products. Please proceed with caution
if you choose to do so.
10-1.1. Sonde Housing
The use of anti-fouling paint on the sonde body is not recommended. As an alternative, it may be
wrapped in Saran Wrap
, or another similar product, and secured with electrical tape. The growth
of undesirable animal and plant life will still occur, but will be easily removed when the sonde is
The endcap assembly, probe guard and bulkhead area may be painted with two thin coats of anti-
fouling paint. Avoid getting any paint on the cable connector and do not allow paint around the
edges of the battery compartment cover. Also avoid getting paint on the threads of the probe guard
where it attaches to the sonde. When applying paint to the bulkhead area, cover all surfaces around
the probe ports, but do not allow paint on the threads of the bulkhead or in the probe ports and
10-1.2. ADV
The ADV has excellent resistance to biological fouling and can operate reliably even with moderate
biological growth on the transducers. Although the biological growth may cause a loss in signal
strength, it does not affect the accuracy of velocity measurements. In extreme fouling situations, the
ADV probe may also be coated with anti-fouling paint to prevent biological growth.
Warning! Thick layers of anti-fouling paint on the transducers will decrease acoustic signal
strength and could potentially introduce seeding requirements.