4. short-term storage, 5. long-term storage, 5.1. adv6600 – YSI ADV6600 User Manual

Page 137: 5.2. adv, Y s i

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Section 10. Care, Maintenance, and Storage




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have completed painting the conductivity cell of your probe, it will need to be recalibrated so that
the cell constant is reflective of the fact that paint has been applied within the cell.

Once the first coat of paint has dried, a second thin coat should be applied to all of the
aforementioned areas of the probe.

10-1.4. DO Probe

Paint the 6562 DO probe above the stainless steel nut to a
point approximately 1/8 inch below the o-ring that
secures the membrane. Do not allow the paint to get on
the stainless steel nut or on the shaft that retains the nut
on the probe body. Apply two thin coats of paint.

10-1.5. pH and pH/ORP Probes

Apply the paint above the stainless steel nut. Do not allow the paint to get on the stainless steel nut
or on the shaft that retains the nut on the probe body. On the 6561 and 6565 guarded probes, the
inside and outside of the guard around the pH bulb may be painted. Take great care not to get any
paint on the glass bulb. For the 6566 probe, apply the paint up to 1/8 inch below the bulb-end of the

Caution! Do not get any paint on the pH junction (white area at the top of the probe) or the glass

10-1.6. ISE Probes

It is not recommended that anti-fouling paint be applied to these sensors.

10-1.7. Optical Probes

Two thin coats of paint may be applied to the body of an optical probe from a point just above the
stainless steel nut to approximately 1/8-inch below the face of the probe. However, be very careful
to keep the paint off of the face of the probe and off of the shaft that retains the stainless steel nut on
the probe body.

The wiper assembly of the turbidity probe only will also benefit from a thin layer of paint applied to
its side and top surfaces. However, paint MUST NOT be applied to the bottom surfaces of the
wiper (the surfaces that face the probe), or anywhere on the wiper’s brush. Also, avoid painting the
wiper’s stainless steel set screw.

Warning! Do NOT paint the wipes of any of the optical probes! The designated color of the wiper
must be visible to the optics for proper wiper parking!