TeeJet Legacy 6000 RMS_EXT User Guide User Manual

Page 17

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RMS-EXT for the Legacy 6000

Software Version 2.00

Chapter 2 - Getting Started 2-5

Software Overview

To exit the setup without saving changes, press the Back Arrow button located at the top of the left
column. To exit and save any changes made, press the Forward Arrow at the top of the right col-
umn. Either of these exit methods returns you to the launcher page that the setup menu was
accessed from.

Data Entry Page

The data entry page is used throughout RMS-EXT software. Depending on the setup parameter
being edited, a data entry page may be a pick list (Figure 2-5) or an alpha-numeric entry (Figure 2-
6). The data entry page is also divided into three columns: Left, Center, and Right. The left and
right columns contain software buttons, typically only the back and Forward Arrow buttons. The
center column is the data entry dialog box. Use the arrow keys on the console to navigate around
the data entry page. The bottom half of the data entry page is a text window with white back-
ground. This window can contain a description of the current setting, as well as some help text.

Pick List Data Entry

In a data entry page that employs a pick list in the dialog box, highlight the setup parameter dialog
box (center column) using the left or right arrow key. Using the Up and Down Arrow keys, spin
though the available setting selections. When the desired setting is in view in the dialog box, press
Enter or the Forward Arrow to save the setting.

Alpha/Numeric Data Entry

To enter an alpha/numeric value, in a data entry page that employs an alpha/numeric dialog box
(Figure 2-6), highlight the dialog box using the left or right arrow key. The left most character space
is highlighted. Use the up or down arrow key to spin through the alpha/numeric character list.
When the desired character is in view in the dialog box, press the right arrow key to move to the

Figure 2-4: Example of a Setup Menu Page

Left Column

Center Column

Right Column



Forward Arrow

Save & Exit

Back Arrow

Exit with No Save

Highlighted Setup


Scroll bar