TeeJet RMS Office User Manual
Page 61

RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Chapter 3 - RMS Tools 3-13
Report Wizard
Spray Swath Map
The Spray Swath Map dialog allows you to select and de-select the various spray swath map data,
that was collected during your spray session. The spray swath data is contained in the RMS
(.RCD) file type. There should be a (.RCD) file, and therefore a spray swath map, for each product
or mixture, including carrier, applied during a spray session. In our example of spray session
140999-01, there were two products, RoundUp and Karmex, and one mixture, Krovar + Oust,
applied (see Figure 3-11). There is an additional selection; the session map. This is the event map
(.EVP) created during the spray session. A separate map is created, in the report, for each spray
swath map you select in this dialog. To view a spray swath map, prior to selecting or de-selecting,
simply highlight the map name with the mouse. The map that appears to the left is the one that you
highlighted. In Figure 3-11, the session map name is highlighted and the map, to the left, is the
session map. In our example, we are selecting all maps available to us: Session, Water, Roundup,
Krovar+Oust, and Karmex. This results in five maps in the final report.
You can also select the grid coordinate units, for the back ground grid. The current two choices are
Latitude and Longitude or UTM.
With the desired spray swath maps selected, press the “next” button, to move to the next Report
Wizard dialog.
Figure 3-11: Report Wizard Spray Swath Maps