Creating a new chemical mixture profile, The rms chemical calculator – TeeJet RMS Office User Manual
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RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles 2-11
The Chemical Mixture Profile
Creating a New Chemical Mixture Profile
To create a new chemical mixture, use the RMS Chemical Calculator. The Chemical Calculator is
accessed through the Mixture Name menu field, located on the Chemical Mixture Main menu page
(see The Main Page on page 2-19). It is best to understand the Chemical Calculator prior to
reviewing any of the Chemical Mixture profile pages.
The RMS Chemical Calculator
The RMS Chemical Calculator is a powerful chemical mix utility program, used to combine up to
three chemicals, plus a carrier, into a single mixture. The chemicals in the mixture must appear in
the Chemical Profile (see The Chemical Profile on page 2-7) prior to adding them into a mixture.
The Chemical Calculator accesses the Chemical Profile for information, such as chemical type
and unit, for each chemical added to the mixture. The Chemical Calculator requires an application
rate for each chemical in the mixture, as well as the tank volume or amount of mixture to be made.
When the chemicals are added to the mix, the Chemical Calculator determines the amount of each
chemical and carrier required for the mixture tank volume.
Krovar plus Oust Mixture Example
To demonstrate the Chemical Calculator, consider a mixture of Krovar (Dry Flowable), mixed with
Oust, with water as a carrier. The application rate for the Krovar is 8 Pounds/Acre and the applica-
tion rate for the Oust is 3 Oz./Acre. Both chemicals have been entered into the Chemical Profile
and therefore can be selected directly from the Chemical Calculator. The tank volume for the mix-
ture is 50 Gallons.
Starting Up the Chemical Calculator
To enter the Chemical Calculator, select the Mixture Name menu field, located on the Main menu
page. Press enter, or double click with the mouse on the Mixture Name menu field, to activate the
Chemical Calculator dialog (see Figure 2-7).
Entering Krovar DF as the First Chemical
To enter Krovar as the first chemical, place the cursor in the Chemical 1 menu field and press
enter. This activates the Select Chemical 1 dialog (see Figure 2-8). Move through the list of chem-
icals, select Krovar, and press enter. To move through the chemical list rapidly, type in the first let-
ter of the chemical to be entered. This causes the program to jump down the chemical list to the
first chemical name beginning with the letter entered. All of the chemicals listed in this dialog were
entered using the Chemical Profile.
Entering the Krovar Application Rate
Select the chemical and enter the chemical application rate. Tab the cursor over to the Chemical 1
Application Rate menu field and press enter. This activates the Chemical 1 Rate dialog box (see
Figure 2-9). In the example, the application rate for Krovar is 8 Pounds/Acre. Notice that the unit of
pounds is already set in the Rate dialog box. The rate unit for Krovar is contained in the Chemical
Profile and retrieved by the calculator. This eliminates the need to remember or look up the
required rate unit for each chemical. Enter 8 Pounds/Acre in the dialog and press enter. Krovar is
now entered as the first chemical in the mixture. Now enter the second chemical, Oust.