TeeJet RMS Office User Manual
Page 32

Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles
The Chemical Mixture Profile
RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Entering Oust as the Second Chemical
To enter Oust as the second chemical, place the cursor in the Chemical 2 menu field and press
enter. This activates the Select Chemical 2 dialog. Move through the list of chemicals, select Oust,
and press enter. To move through the chemical list rapidly, type in the first letter of the desired
chemical. The program jumps down the chemical list to the first chemical name beginning with the
letter entered. All of the chemicals listed in this dialog are contained in the Chemical Profile.
Entering the Oust Application Rate
After selecting the chemical, enter the chemical application rate. Tab the cursor to the Chemical 2
Application Rate menu field and press enter. This activates the Chemical 2 Rate dialog box (see
Figure 2-11). In the example, the application rate for Oust is 3 Oz./Acre. Notice that the unit of
Ounces is already set in the Rate dialog box. The rate unit for Oust is contained in the Chemical
Profile and retrieved by the calculator. This eliminates the need to remember or look up the
required rate unit for each chemical. Enter 3 Oz./Acre in the dialog and press enter. Oust is now
entered as the second chemical in the mixture (see Figure 2-12).
Figure 2-10: Krovar DF Entered into Calculator