TeeJet RMS Office User Manual
Page 27

RMS Office
Software Version 3.10
Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles 2-9
The Chemical Profile
Profile Field
The Main Page
Chemical Name
The name of the chemical being entered into the Chemical profile.
The name of the chemical manufacturer.
EPA Reg#
The chemical EPA registration number.
Com Code
The chemical commodity code.
The type of chemical being entered. When entering this menu
item, a pick dialog box appears, with a list of chemical types:
Dry, Liquid or Dry Flowable.
Measurement Unit
The unit of measure associated with the chemical being
entered. When this menu item is selected, a Unit of Measure
dialog appears, containing a list of units to choose from
Maximum Mix Ratio
The maximum concentration of dry material in a single gallon of liquid
carrier. This menu field is active only if the chemical type is Dry or Dry
The amount of liquid displaced by a unit of dry material in a
single gallon of carrier. This menu field is active only if the
chemical type is Dry or Dry Flowable. A typical displacement
unit would be liquid ounces.
Admin Page
Record Status
Setting a profile to Active makes that profile viewable and selectable,
when transferred to the Legacy 6000. Setting a profile to Hidden pre-
vents it’s being selected or viewed by the operator, when it is trans-
ferred to a Legacy 6000. This allows a manager to limit the number of
in-field selections an operator must make while in the field.
Table 2-3: Chemical Profile Description