TeeJet RMS Office User Manual

Page 24

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Chapter 2 - RMS Profiles
The Agency Profile

RMS Office

Software Version 3.10

Profile Field


The Main Page

Agency ID

A unique identification used to identify a specific agency.

Agency Name

The name of the agency


The agency division


The agency street address.


The city where the agency is located.


The county where the agency is located.


The state or province where the agency is located.


The country where the agency is located.

Zip / Postal Code

The zip or postal code for the agency.

Contact Page

Contact Name

The name of person at agency who can be contacted.

Phone Number

The phone number of the contact person

Admin Page

Record Status

Setting a profile to Active makes that profile viewable and selectable
when transferred to the Legacy 6000. Setting a profile to Hidden pre-
vents it’s being selectable or viewable to the operator, when it is trans-
ferred to a Legacy 6000. This allows a manager to limit the number of
in-field selections an operator must make while in the field.

Table 2-2: Agency Profile Description