Rms folders – TeeJet RMS Office User Manual

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Chapter 1 - RMS Office Introduction
RMS Folders

RMS Office

Software Version 3.10

RMS Folders

The following folders are in the RMS folder of the computer that RMS Office is installed on. The
default location is the root directory of the hard drive unless reassigned during installation.

The Bin Folder

The RMS bin folder contains all of RMS Office program executables. All files, located in this folder
at the time of installation, must remain in this folder for the RMS Office applications to work prop-
erly. You can place shortcuts, to the application executables in this folder, on the desktop for easy
access. For example, to place a shortcut to Map Manager on the desk top, look for the Map Man-
ager executable in this folder.

The Base Maps Folder

All of the base map images, to be displayed in the background of the mapping software applica-
tions, are stored in the Basemaps folder of the RMS folder. This version of RMS allows the display-
ing of a Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) image file, in the form of a Tagged Image File Format (TIF)
also known as a Geo-Tif. This image data is useful as a backdrop onto which other real-time col-
lected data, such as spray routes, no spray zones, and weed patch locations, can be overlaid.

The Names Database Folder

A feature of RMS Office is the ability to construct names databases. You can access a names
database from any of the RMS real-time mapping applications that require the input of an attribute
name for a graphical object, such as a point. You can build Name databases for specific mapping
themes, such as weed mapping and spray route campaigns. A names database, specific to weed
mapping, would contain the names of the most commonly encountered weeds for the region.
Instead of typing in the name of a weed each time it is mapped, you can easily select it from the
existing weeds database. All names databases created are stored in the Names folder. For more
information on the Name Manager application, see Chapter 3 of this User Guide.

The Profiles Folder

All Profiles are stored here.

The Data Folder

This is a suggested location for storing Roadside data. Our application allows other folder loca-
tions to be browsed.