Rms office introduction – TeeJet RMS Office User Manual

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Chapter 1 - RMS Office Introduction
RMS Office Introduction

RMS Office

Software Version 3.10

RMS Office Introduction

Welcome to the Mid-Tech Roadway Management System (RMS) Office Suite. The Mid-Tech RMS
Office product is a comprehensive software package designed specifically for the support of road-
way spraying applications, using the Mid-Tech Legacy 6000 console. The Legacy 6000 console
must be loaded with RMS Application Rate Management software.

With RMS Office, roadway applications are more effectively managed. RMS Office allows the
building of specific profiles (small data bases) for company, personnel, contracting agencies,
chemicals, and chemical mixes, as well as vehicle and spray configurations. The Export function
allows this profile information to be transferred to the Legacy 6000 console via a PC card.

When installed on the Legacy 6000, profile information is combined with a GPS based map, cre-
ated during the actual application process, to produce final roadway application data. The data
from a completed roadway application session is then transferred back to RMS Office where Appli-
cation reports are generated. Maps included with the reports show all spray activity, including
boom and channel activity, for an entire roadway spraying session.

This User Guide is broken into the following components that make up the RMS Office Suite:

Chapter 2: Profiles - Building small data bases for Personnel, Agencies, Vehicles, Chemicals,
and Spray Configurations.

Chapter 3: Tools - Several useful utilities. Report Generator allows the building of a final report
for a spraying session.

Chapter 4: Map Manager - A data viewing and management tool. Although part of Tools, Map
Manager needs a chapter to itself.

Additional RMS Features Include

Base Map Images

You can now view Geo-Tif (DRG) image files in the background of most RMS real-time mapping
applications, such as RMS Mapper and RMS Record Spray Session, as well as RMS Map Man-

Names Database Manager

This is a new utility application, found under the RMS Launcher-Tools menu. The Names Manager
allows the construction of a list of commonly used attribute names. You can access any names
database from any of the real-time mapping applications.

Export Application

This utility allows the transfer of profiles from RMS-Office to a Legacy 6000 console. This helps
keep the Legacy 6000 profiles up to date and in-sync with the office.