Shape file conversion, New changes to the shape file conversion process – TeeJet RMS Office User Manual

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Chapter 4 - RMS Map Manager
Shape File Conversion

RMS Office

Software Version 3.10

Shape File Conversion

Map Manager contains a file option named Convert, which provides a means of transferring data
between RMS data files and ESRI Shape files. Convert was designed to be both flexible and sim-
ple. It allows beginning users to perform conversions in several simple steps, while offering
advanced users full control over the data transfer process. The following example illustrates the
steps required to convert a file. A later example shows how Convert can be used to perform cus-
tom data transfers.

The conversion process is broken into two processes: exporting RMS data files to shape files and
importing shape files to RMS data files.

Shape files must be in NAD83 or WGS84 Lat/Long coordinates. No other projections or datums
are supported. ESRI shape files consist of (.shp), (.shx), and (.dbf) files, all sharing the same file

New Changes to the Shape file Conversion Process

Batch file and Folder processing.

Create custom templates.

Automatically generate an Import template when performing an Export.

Automatically generate an Export template when performing an Import.

Select chemical names as an exportable polyline record field. You must create a template to
suite the particular needs of the conversion. Use these templates when exporting all files into a
single file.

Improved error messages

Select chemical names as a Handgun polyline field.

Export a new TYPENAME field from all objects. The field names the type of RMS object
exported. For example, when exporting a point to shape, the TYPENAME field contains Point.
This new field is useful when merging Points, Arcs, and Polygons or performing “All Files into
1 file” conversions. The default templates shipped with the product include this field.

Spray Swaths (Record polylines) includes new UNITS field. This is a string describing the units
that the ACTUAL and TARGET rate fields are measured in. The default templates shipped
with the product include this field.

Export Weather points and Handgun polylines.