Great Planes PT-40 MkII Kit - GPMA0118 User Manual
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You can also contact the national Academy of Model
Aeronautics (AMA), which has more than 2,300 chartered
clubs across the countr y. Through any one of them,
instructor training programs and insured newcomer training
are available.
Contact the AMA at the address or toll-free phone
number below.
Thank you for purchasing the Great Planes PT, the Perfect
Trainer, for possibly your first step into the exciting world of
R/C flying. If you aspire to progress in the hobby and are
using the PT as a “stepping stone” to more advanced
models, then you've made the right decision in not only
choosing an all wood kit, but choosing the PT – a kit that
will teach you many of the building skills required for your
next model. With its “Expert Tips” and thorough, detailed
instructions, this manual encourages you to “exercise and
develop” your building skills which will be of great value in
the future. Although your PT is intended as a trainer, you'll
probably find that long after you've completed it and “moved
on” to other models, you'll dust the PT off and take it out for
a few flights every now and then. A good high wing trainer
such as the PT is always a joy to fly no matter what your
skill level. After all, an airplane so easy to takeoff, fly and
land is a real confidence booster!
The PT family of trainers has been around for more than a
decade. As just about any old pro will tell you, no other
trainer model offers so many important features most
needed by a novice. While R/C flying can be learned by
practically anyone, it does require a fair amount of hand-eye
coordination – a skill that can only be learned by quality
“stick time.” This is where the PTs shine. They are all
designed to be rugged, stable and self-recovering and to
fly slowly enough to allow you time to think about your next
Once your PT has been trimmed for straight and level flight
(by an experienced pilot) you will be able to get out of most
situations by simply letting go of the sticks on your
transmitter. The PT will normally level its own wings and
resume stable flight within 50 - 100 feet. This feature alone
has helped many student pilots master the basics in the
shortest possible time.
The PT is designed for either 3 or 4-channel operation with
two different wing setups (see Wing Configuration on page
4 for further details). You can start with just rudder, elevator
and throttle control, then add a fourth servo for the ailerons
when you want to refine your skills. The ailerons may be
locked in a neutral position after the wing is assembled, but
can be hooked up in just a few minutes with an additional
servo. We recommend the 3-channel setup for beginners.
Due to the dihedral (upward angle of the wing) built into the
wing and generous r udder size, the tur n and bank
response is almost identical to using ailerons. When you
are ready to move up to advanced maneuvers such as
crosswind landings and basic aerobatics, all you have to do
is hook up the ailerons.
If you are already an experienced pilot who is just looking
for a sport model for those lazy summer afternoons, we
provide the necessary information to build the wing with
less dihedral and washout to allow more responsive flight
characteristics. Our goal is for you to experience the fun
and satisfaction that thousands of modelers the world over
enjoy, without the mistakes that have spoiled the hobby
for some.
Please inspect all parts carefully before starting to
build. If any parts are missing, broken or defective, or if
you have any questions about building or flying this
model, please call us at (217) 398-8970 and we'll be
glad to help. If you are calling for replacement parts,
please look up the par t numbers and the kit
identification number (stamped on the end of the
carton) and have them ready when calling.
Both the PT-20 and 40 are built from this manual.
Nearly all the parts in the PT series are identical so most
of the differences are only in the sizes and thicknesses of
the pieces – you can't even tell from most of the photos.
When important differences do arise between the 20 and
40, they are clearly indicated so you'll have all the
information you need to build your model.
Important Note About this Manual
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5151 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, IN 47302
Office: (317) 287-1256
Toll Free: (800) 435-9262
Fax: (317) 741-0057