Home screen – Futaba 14SG 2.4GHz User Manual
Page 36
Up/Down timer (ST1, ST2)
Touch the RTN button at the [xx]:[xx.
xx] item to start/stop the timer.
touch the RTN button at the ST1 or ST2
item to call the timer set-up screen.
*See the description at the back of this manual.
Home screen
Digital trim (T1 to T4)
on the home screen on the Model Name 7KH PRGHO QDPH WKDW is currently used is 8 V H W K H F X U V R U W R highlight this, then User's name System timer 7KLV VKRZV WKH DFFXPXODWHG WLPH VLQFH the latest reset. (Hour):(Minute) 8VH WKH FXUVRU WR KLJKOLJKW WKLV WKHQ touch the RTN button for one second 8VH WKH WRXFK VHQVRU WR VHOHFW WKH IROORZLQJ GLVSOD\ DUHD WR FDOO HDFK VHWWLQJ VFUHHQ DQG WRXFK WKH 571 button. The setting screen appears. RF indicator Battery Indicator :KHQ WKH EDWWHU\ YROWDJH r e a c h e s 5 . 2 V ( C h a n g e i n System mode 6 \ V W H P ) $ 6 6 7 H V W & + H W F mode is displayed here. 8VH WKH FXUVRU WR KLJKOLJKW WKLV then touch the RTN button 2 nd Home screen 7RXFK WKH 571 EXWWRQ DW the clock icon to call the nd home screen (large size timer). Model timer 7KLV VKRZV WKH DFFXPXODWHG WLPH since the latest reset. (each model) (Hour):(Minute) 8VH WKH FXUVRU WR KLJKOLJKW WKLV then touch the RTN button for one Key lock 7RXFK WKH 6 EXWWRQ RU SXVK WKH HOME/EXIT button for one second to In the key lock mode the key icon is displayed here. Model type SD card indicator Condition name (Heli/Glider) ,Q WKH QRUPDO FRQGLWLRQ PRYH WKH cursor to the condition name and It is possible to operate the digital trim in all conditions. VPP condition # (Air) :KHQ 933 IXQFWLRQ LV DVVLJQHG WR D FKDQQHO WKH FXUUHQW 933 FRQGLWLRQ
T1-T4 setting screen within the
linkage menu.
displayed here.
touch the RTN button
t o c a l l t h e m o d e l
select set-up screen.
to reset the system timer.
Warning Menu), the alarm
will beep. Land your aircraft
to call the frequency set-up
second to reset the model timer.
lock/unlock the key operation.
touch the RTN button. The condition
name is changed and blinks.
# is displayed here.