Danger – Futaba 14SG 2.4GHz User Manual
Page 25
Link/Mode Switch
Use the small plastic screw driver that was
included with your receiver.
The Link/Mode Switch is also used for the CH
mode selection.
Extra Voltage Connector
Use this connector when using a voltage
telemetry device to send the battery voltage (DC0
9ROWDJH LQSXW FDEOH &$59,1 )870 connector to the External voltage connector. Receiver nomenclature Before using the receiver, be sure to read the precautions listed in the following pages. Receiver R7008SB Connector "1 through 6": outputs for the channels 1 through 6 % RXWSXWV RI FKDQQHOV DQG SRZHU "8/SB": outputs of 8 channels or S.BUS port. [S.BUS Servo S.BUS Gyro ] *When using 8/SB as S.BUS, you have to set CH MODE of the following page to mode B or "S.BUS2": outputs of S.BUS2 port. [S.BUS2 Servo S.BUS2 Gyro Telemetry Sensor ] *When using 9 or more channels, use an S.BUS IXQFWLRQ RU XVH D VHFRQG 56% DQG OLQN ERWK Connector insertion Firmly insert the connector in the direction VKRZQ LQ WKH ¿JXUH ,QVHUW WKH 6%86 E\ WXUQLQJ Do not connect either a switch 5HFHLYHU Danger Danger Don't connect a connector, as shown in a EHIRUH ¿JXUH *It will short-circuit, if it connected in this way. A short circuit across the battery terminals may cause abnormal Warning S.BUS2 connectors Don't connect an S.BUS servo / gyro to S.BUS2 connector. LED Monitor This monitor is used to check the CH mode of the receiver.
mode D.
to your transmitter.
it 90 degrees.
or battery in this manner.