Comtrol PortVision DX User Manual
Page 34

PortVision DX User Guide
Log File - Settings
more events.
If enabled, PortVision DX logs all of the events that are happening at the
device level, such as: changing IP information, status change, and so
forth for all or specified Comtrol Ethernet attached product units.
If enabled, PortVision DX logs all of the events that are happening at the
application level, such as: clicking a button, changing the settings, and
so forth.
Do not log “Polling…”
If you enable Log application-level events, then you can select
whether you want to see the Polling… message recorded each time
PortVision DX polls or not.
Limit the size of the
log file to #
If you enable Limit the size of the log file to # megabytes, the log file is
limited to the specified size.
When size limit is
reached, overwrite
the earliest entries
(keep it current)
Optionally enable this option, if you want to overwrite the earliest entries
in the log file.
If you do not enable this option, the application stops logging when it
reaches the specified size limit
Log Filename/Save
Log as
PortVision DX provides a default path based on the PortVision DX
installation path and file name (PVPLog.pvl) in this box.
You can change the default path and log file name by clicking the Save
Log as button.
If the path is invalid or there is a file error involved, you will see an error
message on the screen and you have to change the name.
Log events for ALL
If Log device-level events is enabled, PortVision DX logs all device-
level events.
Log events for ALL devices logs events on all Comtrol Ethernet
attached products.
Optionally, check individual Comtrol Ethernet attached products in the
pane at the right.
Closes the window. If you enabled logging, PortVision DX also starts
logging data in the log file specified in the Log Filename box.
User Interface Overview