Export distribution lists – Kofax Communication Server 9.1 User Manual
Page 77

Client Applications
Administrator‘s Manual Version 5.32.00
©Kofax, Inc.
The first row indicates which fields are included, and the order of the fields. Here is a list of the
fields that can be included (Required fields are in bold): Attention, Service, Number,
RecipientID, UserID, Type, Freetext, DelTypeDef, Company, Department, UserBelongsTo,
Active, DirsyncAllowed
Data Rows
Each following row in the text file is an address. Each address row must have the same
number of fields as the header row. The name of the service must be an available service on
the TCOSS server. The ―Attention‖ field in the text file will be imported to the ―Full name‖ of the
recipient. If the text file contains no ―RecipientID‖, then the ―Attention‖ data in the text file will
be imported to the ―RecipientID‖ of the recipient as well.
Answerback values (i.e. for TELEX) can be appended with a ―-―after the address in the
―Number‖ field. For example, to specify a number of 3348, and an answerback of 9987, use
the following syntax: 3348-9987.
Note: The RecipientID field is required, if the option Update Recipient (see Handling
Existing Recipients) is selected for the import.
Export Distribution Lists
All distribution lists of an address book can be exported by clicking the Export All Distl. button
in the address book window.
A standard file dialog opens, where you specify the file name of the master distribution list file
(See Import Files for the description of the master distribution list file) and where you
specify the file format (comma separated or tab separated). The default file name for the main
export file is the address book name.