Cannon Instrument miniPV-X User Manual
Page 68

miniPV-Series Automatic Viscometer with VISCPRO
Instruction & Operation Manual
Version 1.a— January, 2011;
Instrument Company
2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USA
Clear General Offset
option is checked, VISCPRO will clear the
(factory-preset) General Offset for all temperatures for the instrument.
This Instrument Setting cannot be restored except from a previously-
saved Configuration. It is not recommended that you exercise this option
without consulting with CANNON Instrument Company personnel.
To train tube sensors (required for miniPV Series operation at each
desired temperature setting) click the
Service/Train Tube Sensors
menu option for the desired instrument. The
Train Tube Sensors
will open. Click the check box to select each desired option.
Then click the Start button to initiate tube sensor training.
Prewash option
Select this option if the tube needs to be cleaned and dried prior to
training. The
option will execute a tube cleaning cycle prior to
beginning the sensor training.
Trip Point Only option
Select this option only if the tube sensor has been previously trained and
requires only a validation/adjustment of the trip point settings (the electri-
cal current level and fluctuations associated with the passing of the
sample meniscus). The
option will reduce the time required to
accomplish these functions signficantly, but will not check/adjust basic
power levels for instrument operation.
The miniPV Series will not test samples until sensor training has been
performed at the test temperature.
At the conclusion of the sensor training, the “
” indicators for the
top, middle and bottom sensors should display in green. If sensor training
has not been successfully accomplished, the “
” and “
sensor indicators may provide helpful diagnostic information. Consult with
CANNON Instrument Company personnel if problems with sensor
training persist.