Tray settings: test – Cannon Instrument miniPV-X User Manual

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miniPV-Series Automatic Viscometer with VISCPRO


Instruction & Operation Manual

Version 1.a— January, 2011;



Instrument Company

2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USA

Soak time

Input the desired sample soak times for each bulb of the viscometer tube.
The soak time is the length of time in which the sample will remain in the
viscometer tube before being dropped. The soak time is important to
ensure temperature equilibration of the sample. The range is from 0 to
240 based on which units of time the user selected from Soak Time Units.



Tray Settings: Tube and Bath

screen displays the calibration

constants (




) for each bulb of the viscometer tube. These values

cannot be edited from the

Tray Settings . . .

screen. For information on

determining bulb constants for viscometer tubes, see Calibration later in
this chapter.


When you have completed the configuration and saved the current tray
settings, you may wish to permanently store the current instrument
settings using the
Save Instrument and Tray Settings item in the Configure
menu for a given instrument.

Tray Settings: Test


Tray Settings: Test

window is used to select parameters for

miniPV Series sample testing. Each sample drop is called a determina-
tion. Multiple determinations are possible during testing of a single
sample. Comparisons of sample drop results permit user regulation of test


Maximum Absolute Difference

option permits you to input the

maximum acceptable deviation for multi-drop samples, expressed as the
difference in the sample drop times in seconds.


Maximum % Difference

option allows you to input the maximum

acceptable deviation for multi-drop samples expressed as a percentage
(0.35 is the default percentage difference allowable). Values from 0.01 to
99.99 are acceptable. If the difference between test drop times is greater
than the acceptable deviation, the sample will be tested again until the
deviation in drop times is less than the

Maximum % Difference,

or until

the maximum number of determinations has been reached.


Maximum Determinations

option permits you to select from 1-20

iterations of the test using the same sample.

Tolerance parameters

Determine if the tolerance for differences between sample run times
(determinability) is going to be decided by the absolute difference in drop
time values (in seconds) or by the percentage difference between the
drop times. Click on the appropriate check box to select your choice(s).

Enter the maximum acceptable difference in measured results when
using multiple determinations (the default percent difference value is 0.35
percent and the default absolute difference value is 0.2 seconds).

Use greater