Tray settings: tube and bath – Cannon Instrument miniPV-X User Manual
Page 55

miniPV-Series Automatic Viscometer with VISCPRO
Instruction & Operation Manual
Version 1.a— January, 2011;
Instrument Company
2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USA
Instrument Settings window button options:
saves the current instrument settings and exits the
Instrument Settings
restores the default configuration settings for several
instrument options
closes the
Instrument Settings
window without saving
any configuration changes.
Tray Settings: Tube and Bath
Use the
Tray Settings: Tube and Bath
window to describe and control
test parameters for the viscometer tube. Alter the settings using the
instructions below. When you have achieved the desired configuration,
save the current instrument settings by clicking
. To exit the configu-
ration screen without saving your changes, click
. To restore
software defaults, click
The Tray Settings: Tube and Bath window
To complete the tray configuration: Use the
Tube S/N:
field to input the
identifying tube serial number.