Cannon Instrument miniPV-X User Manual

Page 58

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miniPV-Series Automatic Viscometer with VISCPRO


Instruction & Operation Manual

Version 1.a— January, 2011;



Instrument Company

2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USA


If both tolerance options are selected, the VISCPRO software will apply both criteria unless the

Use greater

option is checked. If

Use greater

is checked, then the software will apply the less

exacting tolerance value when calculating/evaluating test results.

The Tray Settings: Test window


Use spread


Use mean

radio button options determine the

manner in which the VISCPRO mathematically determines which sample
tests have met tolerance parameters. Testing is continued until a group of
samples meets the tolerance parameters and the rules for sample drop
time determination (see Determinations, below).

Use spread


Use spread

option compares the individual drop time values for each

test sample with the individual drop time values of the other samples. If a
sample deviates from tolerance parameters when compared with any other
sample in a grouping, the sample is eliminated from consideration.

Use mean


Use mean

option compares the individual drop time values for each

test sample with the mean (average) drop time represented by all samples
in the group. If any sample in the group deviates from the mean by a
value greater than the value specified in the tolerance parameters, the
group is eliminated from consideration.


Select the determination option by clicking on the radio button corre-
sponding to the appropriate determination method (

Always perform

maximum determinations, Use successive determinations only

, or

Use any determinations
