Cannon Instrument miniPV-X User Manual
Page 56

miniPV-Series Automatic Viscometer with VISCPRO
Instruction & Operation Manual
Version 1.a— January, 2011;
Instrument Company
2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USA
For reporting and calibration purposes, each tube serial number value
should be unique for all instruments attached to a single computer.
Click on the
Fast Run Tube
check box if the viscometer tube is the fast
run type. The
Wet Tube
option is required for some viscosity determina-
tion protocols. If this option is checked, the miniPV Series automatic
determination will be preceded by an untimed sample drop, coating the
inside of the capillary with the sample material.
Settings for soak times may need to be reconfigured when the bath
temperature setting is changed.
Bath Temperature
Input the desired temperature for the miniPV Series Bath corresponding
to the selected tube in the
Bath Temp:
field and select the desired unit of
temperature measurement by clicking on the corresponding radio button.
Changing bath temperature may necessitate removing the reference
thermometer from the Bath Unit. See Inserting/removing the reference
thermometer in Chapter 2 for information on the procedure. Damaged
thermometers may contaminate the bath fluid.
Equilib. Tolerance
Input the desired Equilib. Tolerance for the miniPV Series. The Equilib.
Tolerance is when the target temperature is reached, and remains within
the Equilibration Tolerance for least 30 seconds. The default and recom-
mended value is 0.02.
Thermistors Radio Buttons
Select 2K or 15K depending on the thermistor value used in the installed
Soak Time Units Radio Buttons
Select the desired unit of time by clicking on the corresponding radio