Standard tube calibration – Cannon Instrument miniPV-X User Manual
Page 37

miniPV-Series Automatic Viscometer with VISCPRO
Instruction & Operation Manual
Version 1.a— January, 2011;
Instrument Company
2139 High Tech Road • State College, PA 16803 • USA
completed. Sensor training data remains valid until the sensors are
retrained at the same temperature. Retraining is necessary only when the
viscometer tube is changed, or if sensor performance changes over time.
Train Tube Sensors
To train tube sensors, click
menu and select the
Train Tube
menu for the desired instrument. The
Train Tube Sensors
window will open.
Prewash option:
Click the
option if the tube is not clean and
dry. VISCPRO will initiate a cleaning cycle using current wash configu-
ration settings prior to initiating the sensor training procedure.
Trip Points Only
option: Click the
Trip Points Only
option to adjust
the sensor trip points without setting the voltages. This is useful if it is
neccessary to adjust trip points on sensors for which voltages have
already been set.
After selecting the desired training options click
and follow the
software prompts to complete the sensor training.
Standard tube calibration
During standard calibration, the software uses check standard data
obtained from miniPV Series tests to perform the mathematical calcula-
tions necessary to derive new constants for each timing bulb of the
viscometer tube. Then the VISCPRO software displays the new con-
stants and computes a viscosity (in cSt) for each sample using the actual
flow time of the check standards. The resulting viscosity calculation is
compared with the known viscosity of the standard; absolute and com-
parative data is displayed on the computer screen.