Compex Technologies NetPassage 18A User Manual

Page 54

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WMM Parameters (for advanced users)

AIFs (Arbitrary Inter-

Frame Space)

Arbitrary Inter-Frame Space is the fixed wait time for different

data traffic to access the network.

Cwmin (Contention

Window Minimum)

Contention Window Minimum is the minimum random wait time

for different data traffic to access the network.

CwMax (Contention

Window Maximum)

Contention Window Maximum is the maximum random wait time

for different data traffic to access the network.

TxOp limit (Transmit

Opportunity Limit)

Transmit Opportunity limit specifies the duration that an end-user

device can transmit data traffic. TxOp limit can be used to give

data traffic longer and shorter access.

NoAck (No


No Acknowledgement provides control of the reliability of traffic

flow. Usually an acknowledge packet is returned for every

packet received, increasing traffic load and decreasing


Enabling No Acknowledgement cancels the acknowledgement.

This is useful for data traffic where speed of transmission is


ACM (Admission

Control Mandatory)

Admission Control Mandatory enables WMM on the radio

interface. When ACM is enabled, associated clients must

complete the WMM admission control procedure before access.

BE (Best Effort)

Parameters for Data0 Best Effort.

Best Effort data traffic has no prioritization and applications

equally share available bandwidth.

BK (Background)

Parameters for Data1 Background.

Background data traffic is de-prioritized and is mostly for backup

applications, or background transfers like backup applications or

background transfers like bulk copies that do not impact

ongoing traffic like Internet downloads.

VI (Video)

Parameters for video data traffic.

VO (Voice)

Parameters for voice data traffic.