Compex Technologies NetPassage 18A User Manual
Page 199

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum is a modulation scheme employed
by the 802.11b standard that uses a chipping code (redundant bit)
during its transmission to reject interference.
Dynamic IP Address
It is an IP address that is dynamically allocated or assigned to a client
device within a TCP/IP network, typically by a DHCP server.
Encryption is a security method applying specific algorithms to make
sure that all the data from one computer is encoded into a form that
only the other intended party will be able to decode and view the
An IEEE standard network protocol that specifies how data is
transmitted over a common medium. It uses CSMA/CD, which stands
for Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection. It has a
defined data rate of 10Mbps.
Fast Ethernet
An IEEE standard extended from 10Base-T Ethernet to support 100Mbps
data rate.
It is a software layer that controls network access from within and
without so that any undesired activity by malicious or snooping parties
may be prevented.
It is a software code written and saved within the read-only memory
(ROM) or programmable read-only memory (PROM). The firmware that
is written on the ROM/PROM is retained even when the device is
powered off.
File Transfer Protocol. It is a protocol designed to transfer files over a
TCP/IP network.
Full Duplex
It defines the ability of a device to transmit data simultaneously in both
upstream and downstream directions over a single line.
A gateway is a device that interconnects networks.
Half Duplex
It defines the ability of a device to transmit in one direction at a time
over a single line.
HyperText Transport Protocol is a common protocol used to connect
servers on the World Wide Web, with its primary function being to
establish a connection with a web server and transmit HTML pages to
the client’s browser.
Internet Control Message Protocol is a message control and error
reporting protocol between a host server and a gateway to the
Internet. ICMP uses Internet Protocol (IP) datagrams, but the messages
are processed by the IP software and are not directly apparent to the
application user.
Internet Group Management Protocol is the standard for IP
multicasting on the Internet. It is used to establish host memberships in
particular multicast groups on a single network. The mechanisms of the
protocol allow a host to inform its local router, using Host Membership
Reports, that it wants to receive messages addressed to a specific