Compaq 21264 User Manual

Page 215

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Alpha 21264/EV67 Hardware Reference Manual

Initialization and Configuration


Power-Up Reset Flow and the Reset_L and DCOK_H Pins

As BiST completes, the TestStat_H pin is held low for 16 GCLK cycles. Then, if BiST
succeeds, the pin remains low. Otherwise, it is asserted. After successfully completing
BiST, the 21264/EV67 then performs the SROM load sequence (described in Chapter
11). After the SROM load sequence is finished, the 21264/EV67 deasserts SromOE_L.

7.1.5 Clock Forward Reset and System Interface Initialization

After the deassertion of SromOE_L, the reset state machine enters the
WAIT_ClkFwdRst1 state, where the 21264/EV67 waits for the system to deassert
ClkFwdReset_H. The 21264/EV67 samples the deasserting edge of ClkFwdReset_H
to take synchronous actions. It uses this synchronous event to reset the clock forward-
ing interface, start the outgoing clocks, and deassert internal reset. The chip then waits
264 cycles before issuing commands. The reset state machine is then in RUN and the
21264/EV67 begins fetching code at address 0x780.

Table 7–4 lists signals relevant to the power-up flow, provides a short description of
each, and any relevant constraints.

Table 7–4 Power-Up Flow Signals and Their Constraints

Signal Name




Differential clocks that are
inputs to PLL or are
bypassed onto GCLK

Clocks must be running before DCOK_H is


VDD supply to PLL


must lead VDD.


VDD supply to the 21264/
EV67 chip logic (except


Logic signal to the 21264/
EV67 that the VDD supply
is good


RESET pin asserted by
SYSTEM to the 21264/

Reset_L must be asserted prior to DCOK_H and
must remain asserted for at least 100 ms after
DCOK_H is asserted. This allows for PLL settling
time. Deassertion of Reset_L causes the 21264/
EV67 to ramp divisors to their final value and begin

Deassertion #1

Signal asserted by SYS-
TEM to synchronously
commence built-in self-test
and SROM load

ClkFwdRst_H must be deasserted after PLL has
achieved its lock in its final divisor value (about 20


s). The deassertion causes built-in self-test to

begin on an internal clock cycle that corresponds to
one framing clock cycle after ClkFwdRst_H is
deasserted. ClkFwdRst_H can be asserted after
one frame clock cycle. See Figure 7–1.

Deassertion #2

Signal asserted by SYS-
TEM to initialize and reset
clock forwarding interfaces

ClkFwdRst_H must be deasserted when the Cbox
has loaded configuration information. This occurs
as the first part of the serial ROM load, after BiST
is run. Once ClkFwdRst_H is deasserted, the
interface is initialized and can receive probe
requests from the 21264/EV67.