Casio ClassPad 300 PLUS User Manual
Page 61
k Using Single-character Variables
As its name suggests, a single-character variable is a variable name that consists of a single
character like “
” or “
”. Input of single-character variable names is subject to different rules
than input of a series of multiple characters (like “abc”).
u To input a single-character variable name
Any character you input using any one of the following techniques is always treated as a
single-character variable.
• Tapping any key in the math (mth) keyboard’s V key set (page 1-6-10)
• Tapping any key in the 2D keyboard’s V key set (page 1-6-15)
• Tapping the X, Y, Z or [ key to the left of the 9 key of the math (mth) keyboard or
2D keyboard
• Pressing the
x, y, or Z keypad key
If you use the above key operations to input a series of characters, each one is treated as a
single-character variable. Inputting A, B, C, for example, is treated as the mathematical
expression a
× b × c, and not as the characters “abc”.
• The single-character variables described above make it possible for you to perform calculations
as they are written in your textbook.
Example 1: 9VABCw
Example 2:
• When you input a single-character variable, its name appears on the display as an italicized bold
character. This is simply to let you know that the letter is a single-character variable name.