Casio ClassPad 300 PLUS User Manual

Page 477

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• The toolbar button for switching between input modes appears as u while the cursor is located

in a text row, and

while the cursor is located in a calculation row.


Inserting Data into an eActivity

u To insert a Text Row

(1) Tap

to change a row to the Text Input mode.

• If the cursor is located in a line that already contains input data, place the cursor at

the end of the line, tap [Insert] and then [Text Row]. This inserts a text row on the next

(2) Use the soft keyboard or keypad keys to input the text you want.

• You can use the alphabet (abc) keyboard to input alphabetic characters.

• Use the other keyboards to input mathematical expressions, commands, etc. Note

that any mathematical expressions or commands you input into a text row are treated
as text. They are not executed.

• Note that word wrap is not performed when inputting text into a text row. Because of

this, you need to tap w to input carriage returns as required.

u To bold text

(1) Move the cursor to the line of text you want to bold.

(2) Tap


(3) To unbold the text, tap
