Using manual play -4-2, Using manual play – Casio ClassPad 300 PLUS User Manual

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Using Manual Play

With manual play, you control when page change operations are performed during presenta-
tion play. Manual play lets you scroll forward or back through presentation pages, and you
can display a pointer on a page.

u ClassPad Operation

(1) On the Presentation application initial screen, tap the button next to the presentation

file you want to play, so it is selected.

(2) Tap 7, or tap [Play] and then [ManualPlay].

• This starts manual play, which displays the first page of the presentation.

(3) You can perform the following operations while a manual play operation is in progress.


Playing a Presentation

When you want to do this:

Do this:

Advance to the next page

Tap the

page scroll button or press the c

cursor key

Return to the previous page

Tap the

page scroll button or press the f

cursor key

Display a round pointer

Tap anywhere on the screen

Page scroll buttons


• You can configure Presentation preferences to specify the page change speed and to turn page

number display in the status bar on or off. For more information, see “11-6 Configuring Presenta-
tion Preferences”.

• You can also configure auto play so it repeats when the final page of a presentation is reached.

For more information, see “Using Repeat Play” on page 11-4-3.