Casio ClassPad 300 PLUS User Manual

Page 58

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u T key set
Tapping the T key displays keys for inputting trigonometric functions, and changes the
T softkey to I. You can tap this key to toggle between T and the default 9
keyboard. Tapping the

= (hyperbolic) key switches to a key set for inputting hyperbolic

functions. Tap the

= key again to return to the regular T key set.



• Tapping the

key inputs the “solve” function, while tapping the

key inputs the “dSolve”

function. See page 2-7-39 for information about these functions.

• For information about each of functions or symbols, see “2-4 Function Calculations”.

u K key set
Tapping the K key displays keys for inputting “<”, “

≠”, and other special operators, and

changes the K softkey to I. You can tap this key to toggle between K and the default
9 keyboard.

u - key set
Tapping the - key displays keys for inputting differential and integral calculus expressions,
permutations, etc., and changes the - softkey to I. You can tap this key to toggle
between - and the default 9 keyboard.


• Tapping the

key inputs the “rSolve” function. See page 2-7-40 for information about this


• For information about each of the functions and symbols, see “2-4 Function Calculations”.