6 matrix and vector calculations, 6 matrix and vector calculations -6-1, Inputting matrix data -6-1 – Casio ClassPad 300 PLUS User Manual

Page 124: Matrix and vector calculations, Inputting matrix data

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2-6 Matrix and Vector Calculations

This section explains how to create matrices in the Main application, and how to perform
basic matrix calculations.


• Since a vector can be viewed as 1-row by


-column matrix or


-row by 1-column matrix, this

section does not include explanations specifically about vectors. For more information about
vector-specific calculations, see the explanations about the applicable [Action] menu items in
“2-7 Using the Action Menu”.

Inputting Matrix Data

You can use the 9 (math) keyboard to input matrix values in a single line in the work
area, or the ) keyboard to input matrix values using an actual on-screen matrix.

k Inputting Matrix Values with the 9 Keyboard

Example: To input the matrix

1 2

and assign it to the variable “mat1”

3 4

u ClassPad Operation

(1) On the application menu, tap

J to start the Main application.

(2) Press

k to display the soft keyboard.

(3) Next, perform the following key operation.




Matrix and Vector Calculations


• For information about assigning data to a variable, see “Creating and Using Variables” on page
