5 list calculations, 5 list calculations -5-1, Inputting list data -5-1 – Casio ClassPad 300 PLUS User Manual

Page 121: List calculations

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List Calculations

2-5 List Calculations

This section explains how to input data using the Main application or List Editor, and how to
perform basic list calculations.

Inputting List Data

You can input list data from the work area or on the List Editor window.

k Inputting List Data from the Work Area

Example: To input the list {1, 2, 3} and assign it to LIST variable “lista”.

u ClassPad Operation

(1) Tap

m to display the application menu, and then tap J to start the Main application.

(2) Press

k to display the soft keyboard.

(3) Next, perform the following key operation.




• For information about assigning data to a variable, see “Creating and Using Variables” on page


• You can also create a list using commands in the [List-Create] group on the [Action] menu. For

information about using these commands, see “2-7 Using the Action Menu”.