Scrolling the graph window, Panning the graph window – Casio ClassPad 300 PLUS User Manual

Page 214

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Using the Graph Window

u To recall a setup from View Window memory

(1) On the application menu, tap T.
(2) Tap 6. This displays the View Window dialog box.

(3) Tap [Memory] and then [Recall]. This displays a list of names of the View Window

setups you have stored in memory.

(4) Select the name of the setup you want, and then tap [OK].


• Recalling a View Window setup causes the current View Window parameters to be replaced by

the parameters of the recalled setup.

Scrolling the Graph Window

After drawing a graph, you can use either of the two operations to scroll it up, down, left, or

• Tap the graph controller arrows at the edges of the Graph window.

• Use the cursor key.


• You can also use the graph controller arrows and cursor key to change the configuration of a

graph. For details, see “3-5 Modifying a Graph”.

Panning the Graph Window

Placing the stylus against the Graph window and dragging causes the window to scroll
automatically in the direction you drag.

Graph controller arrows