Casio ClassPad 300 PLUS User Manual

Page 450

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u To edit an animation

(1) While the animation you want to edit is on the display, tap [Edit], [Animate], and then

[Edit Animations].

• This displays the animation editing window in the lower window. The upper window

contains the animation that we just completed in “To trace a locus of points”. See
page 8-5-4 for information about specifying the trace point.

(2) Edit the animation following the procedure below.

This setting specifies how many steps point E takes to
move along line segment AB. The initial default value
is 20.

• The “E” under “Animations” indicates that point E is

the point moved by the animation. When you are
building multiple animations, a list of all applicable
points appears here.

• Tapping [Remove] deletes the applicable animation.

• “


0” and “


1” specify the range of movement of point

E on line segment AB. The initial default values are


0 = 0 and


1 = 1.

• During animation, the length of AB is considered to

be one unit. The default values specify that movement of point E is from start point A
(point where length equals 0) up to end point B (point where length equals 1).

• Changing the value of


0 to 0.5, for example, causes point E to move from the middle

of line segment AB to point B.

• Changing the value of


0 to

−1, causes point E to begin at a point outside line

segment AB (in this case, at a point a distance equivalent to the length of line
segment AB) and ending with point B.


Working with Animations

(13) Tap [Edit], [Animate], and then [Trace].

(14) With point D still selected, tap [Edit], [Animate], and then [Go (once)].

• This should cause a parabola to be traced on the

display. Note that line segment AB is the directrix
and point C is the focus of the parabola.