Rice Lake CB-2 Concrete Batch Controller Version 2.0 User Manual
Page 75

Installation/Operation Manual - Appendix
Low Air Pressure
The air pressure sensor is indicating low air pressure.
Manual Mode, No Start
The manual switch is in the manual position and they system has been configured to not
allow starting in manual mode.
Material Jog Database Error
EZ Change Criticals is bieng used to change the minimum jog time for a material and no
jog records for weighed materials exist in the jogs database.
Material Location Database Error
EZ Change Criticals is being used to change the location for materials and no materials
were found in the materials database.
Material Preact Database Error
EZ Change Criticals is being used to change the preact amount for a material and no
preact records for weighed materials exist in the preacts database.
Material Record Not in Database
A material is called for in a mix design that has no record in the materials database.
Message Too Long
An F#1 command used to test a serial input port is longer than 1200 characters.
Mix ID/Code Not Found
The mix ID or Code entered while setting up a load was not found in the mixes database.
Mix ID/Code Not in Database
The mix ID or Code was not found in the mixes database.
Mix Not Found
The mix ID or Code entered while setting up an order was not found in the mixes
Mixer Gate is Open
The CB-2 is ready to discharge material into the mixer but the mixer discharge gate is
Mixer is Discharging
The CB-2 is ready to discharge material into the mixer but the mixer is currently still
discharging the previous batch.
Mixer is Still Mixing
The CB-2 is ready to discharge material into the mixer but the mixer is currently still mixing
the previous batch
Mixer State Unknown
The CB-2 is ready to discharge material into the mixer but the current state of the mixer is
Moisture Probe Rading Failed
The attempt to read the value of the moisture probe failed.
More Than Six Admixes/Mix
A mix was designed that called for more than six admixtures.
Parameter Name Must Be
A valid value is required for the identified parameter.
No Aggregate Moisture
EZ Change Criticals is being used to change the moisture level for an aggregate material
and no aggregate materials were found in the materials database.
No Current Burst Times
EZ Change Criticals is being used to change the burst times for either weigh hoppers or
loss in weight material bins with inching discharge gates and no such discharge gates
were found.
No Current Inching Times
EZ Change Criticals is beoing used to change the inching times for either weigh hoppers
or loss in weight material bins with inching discharge gates and no such discharge gates
were found.
No Discharge Control Record
The discharge control record for the scale is missing.
No Location Database Record
A material was called for in a mix but no location record was found for that material.
No Materials Configured
The plant tuning utility was invoked but no configurable materials were present.
No Order Amount
An attempt was made to do a truck washout but there is no primary water configured.
No Primary Water Setup
A request was made to do a truck washout but there is no primary water configured.
Customer ID Not Found in
Customer Table
The customer specified for an order was not found in the customer database.
Order in Process
The mix for an active order cannot be changed
Port N Already Streaming
A request was made to start streaming on a port where streaming was already active.
Port N Wasn’t Streaming
A request was made to stop streaming on a port where streaming was not active.
Table 10-2. Error Codes